What is BG5 Career and Business Analysis?

You probably heard about Human Design but do you know that it has an area called BG5?
BG5 offers career and business applications based on Human Design principles. Both BG5 and Human Design have the same foundation. The only difference is the language we use in BG5 and the objectives. While Human Design focuses on personal-spiritual growth for individuals, BG5 focuses on material growth. Both offer individual growth in many ways.

In Human Design Malaysia, we offer BG5 Career Analysis for individuals and BG5 business analysis for individuals and business groups. BG5 is a perfect choice if you are looking forward to career expansion. BG5 also helps business owners set up their business teams or improve their team dynamic.

You can also purchase a career report here.


What is BG5 Career Design Analysis?

BG5™ Career Design Analysis is able to help you to understand how you are designed to thrive in your work whether as a solopreneur, a freelancer or as an entrepreneur.

Everyone has a unique contribution to career and business and BG5™ Career Design Analysis is able to show you the aspects of your strength, potential and communication. Whether you are working solo or in a group BG5™ Career Design Analysis covers all the aspects of your design; from Career Type to exploring your purpose through Life-Work and Public roles.

There are varieties of consultations and analyses you could get to empower your career development. Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, an employee or a business owner, BG5™ Career Design Analysis is an empowering and supporting resource for your material success. A detailed map for the living of your BG5™ Success Code will be provided to you alongside practical individual guidance in terms of how to incorporate this within your career and business scenarios. You can use BG5™ Career Design Analysis for personal assessments, career development and business support for your team.

Are you interested to explore your unique career design with me?


What is BG5 Alpha one and business Analysis?

If you are an entrepreneur or a business owner who is looking to improve your leadership skills and reengineer your team, BG5 Alpha One and Business Design Consultation can help you with that. Consultations focus on human management, communication strategy, Penta engineering, Triggering and individual career design.

BG5 Alpha One and Business Design Consultation are suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, or for anyone who is looking to set up a new business. The consultations help you to put the right team for your business.

It’s time to turn your work into a conscious business. And invest in human potential and they will take care of your business.