Frequently Asked Questions



Why Do I need to provide my Birth Information?

Human Design and BG5 Career and Business is a system that analyses your genetic code. The only way to know your original genetic code blueprint is at the moment of your birth. Hence why birth information is essential information in Human Design and BG5 analysis.

Time of birth accuracy is important too. There are cases where a few minutes difference changes the Aura Type, the centers, gates and lines. When you provide inaccurate birth information, you will get an inaccurate analysis of your design.

You can get your birth information via birth certificate, or hospital records or get an expert to rectify your birth time.


Will my birth information keep private?

The client's birth information is held private and confidential. Only analysts who work for Human Design Malaysia will have access to respective clients’ birth information. We will seek clients’ permission if we are required to share any birth information with 3rd party.


Is there a cancellation and refund policy?

Please visit this page for all payment process information, refund policy and cancellation.


Do you offer payment plans for your courses?

Yes, we do. Please contact our office for further arrangements.


Clients Payment Information.

We at Human Design Malaysia do not have any access to clients’ banking information including credit/debit cards numbers, cvv numbers or pin numbers. Payment information that we receive from the payment gateway and Squarespace are these:
Order number, purchase amount, client’s name, shipping and billing address, contact number, website address, birth information (for analysis purposes) and any additional information that clients provide in regards to the service they purchased.


Can I just read books to understand my design?

Yes, you can. However, there are differences between you reading a book and having your design read by others.

Human Design is a complex system and is best transmitted through personal interaction (through sound). It is not about what you read, but rather getting the right information and frequency penetrating and aligning with your design at the right timing. This helps expand your awareness.

You are a quantum being with a unique vibration. You are a melody that has layers of tones and tunes that can be experienced through synthesizing process. All you need is the right analyst that could compose and synthesize your melody back at you.

Reading books without assisted personal reading is like trying to put pieces of tunes and tones yourself and may only confuse you in the process. Reading books give you the words but not the melody.

Once you have listened to your unique frequency and melody through a reading session, only then reading books will be much more helpful.